Accounting is part of one of
the top 10 problems of 20th
century enterprise
A chart of accounts is laid
over the business, rather than
recording the actual business
20th century management
historically has separated cash
from other capital to be
managed in financial
management and to be accrued
and recorded through
accounting. The need for the
separation has decreased due to
technology and advanced
solutions. Technology has also
led to high-worth information
and intellectual capital that
needs to be accounted for and
managed. But the separate focus
on cash tends to prevent other
capital of worth from being
managed professionally. Capital
and cash transactions that are
recorded are recorded against a
contrived chart of accounts,
rather than accurately recording
the complete financial status of
the actual business.
Establish facility records
capital to professionally
record the actual business
The business organizes all
capital, including currently
undefined capital and “intangible
assets”. The business manages
accounts and other records of
the business as facility records
capital and provides capital
solutions from records as
information capital. Facility
records are the tangible
information capital of the
enterprise. Facility records go
beyond the limitations of
accounting to record:
Financial records for the full
business cycle, including
fundamental business data on
performance costs, result value,
and capital worth
Non-financial records for
statistical, documentation,
images, and other records
Business management broadens
20th century accounting to
professional records
management to keep records on
the actual business and to make
records solutions available to
produce high-value results.
23 Okt 2010
Account for the Business to Eliminate the Accounting Problem
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